
This is a collection of some spin-off stories we worked on during the project. They are some nice future ideas and other cool stuff we played with and would like to realize into something better.

Iterative Machine automated tests:

A simple and elegant way to test Iterative Machines is by using 3 reference models. We train the first model till say 5 iterations, the second model till 10 iterations, the third model is to be trained till 10 iterations but is prematurely stopped at 5. The pre-trained model must produce same result as the first reference model. We then call continue_train till the model completes training at 10 iterations. The result must be same as the second reference model. To automate these tests, we will create a generator python file which will collect all CIterativeMachine and create various type lists. These can be used to write TYPED_TESTS which will implement the above idea.

Future work:
  • Using an AST parser or something similar to generate graphs that provide more information about inheritance
  • Choosing dataset such that the tests can remain general for all machines that need it.

One test of similar approach is available in Perceptron_unittest.cc

Put and Observe:

The Parameter Observer Framework is a way to observe how the various members change during training. To implement this in an algorithm we would need to call the observe method periodically. The new idea was to use put api to update member variables state and then observe whenever some variable is being put. Basically, we will try to add a new put_observe api that uses the orignal api and also calls observe to update the parameter observers. From an algorithms view, this means we will not update member variables directly (using equals =) instead we will replace the updates with a call to put_observe. We wrote a benchmark to quantify the overhead using put generates with and without the observer.

Future work:
  • Since the Any api is now better we do can use it in the ObservedValue class for some runtime magic and type deductions.
  • Prototyping put_observe.

Neural Networks:

We added a new dataset based on mnist images of numbers 0, 1, 2 along with a factory for neural networks. The model trains nicely however using factory does not allow us to connect neural layers in a custom manner.

Future work:
  • A work around for custom connect of layers. This work around will also be very helpful in porting more meta examples like featureblock_logistic_regression etc.
  • Remove NeuralNets.i from swig.

NewtonSVM Refactoring:

This was a big spin-off. CNewtonSVM was implemented in an obsolete manner and we wrote it all over again making it new and shinier. This included using linalg for most operations, removing the use of raw pointers and using SGVector, SGMatrix instead, and also implementing our CIterativeMachine code style here. The class is now a lot more readable along with being a classic example for how CIterativeMachine works. We also added pseudo inverse of matrices(seperate self-adjoing and general implementions) to complete the refactor.

Future works:
  • Enabling the use of svd_bdc in linalg::pinv for faster singular value decomposition, also providing api to get all decomposed matrices.
  • Efficient memory allocation by making more data members.
  • Refactoring more such classes